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Saturday, February 25, 2006
obs on monday:( sucks man.haha went to get my obs things today, and i realised now i forgot to buy sunblock and shoe bag:( argh. forgot matches too.. yesterday went century cineplex to watch i not stupid too, haha like finally right. its so sad lah> but then there was this stupid group of kids who were like sec one and they were being so effing gay and annoying. you know the part when the girl reached inside her shirt to get her handphone then this guy was like 'nice boobs.' whatever lah. yeah then there was this clapping part at the end and this stupid effing guy stood up and clapped too. i feel like giving them the finger. hahahahah. okay kidding. :D arghhhhhhhhh okay now hehe okay at night vonn came to print her stuff then i was playing around with her handphone's camera! ahhaa. so seriously cool. i hope my plan ends soon. i want to get a new phone. :) watched survivor with her aft that. haha even though she was supposed to print her stupid notes. hello, wasted so much of my ink. ahhaha. and then we were talking about how aras was walking so slowly in the beam thing hahaha. so lame. everyone was rushing lah then he and the old man were walking so damn slowly okay but they still won. haha. how unfair. heheh and we both think nick has nice abs! ahhaha. oh yeah watched beauty and the geek too.. i like mindy:D man why can't it be uglies and the hunk. hahah. Saturday, February 18, 2006
See the truth all aroundOur faith can be broken And our hands can be bound But open our hearts and fill up the emptiness With nothing to stop us Is it not worth the risk? Yeah, is it not worth the risk? hello(: urmm. went cp after school with yee vonn and vi and wasted my time haha. somebody loves to sit. a lot. :D haha then somehow ended up listening to ghost stories. some people dont know the meaning of shut up, so can't really blame them. ahhaha. vonn was telling me 2 girls drowned in pulau ubin.. actually i sorta heard that already, and i really didnt want to hear that again you know. haha. oh and heard some sick jokes. haha. there were 11 pencils and one of them got one pregnant. which one impregnated the pencil. okay.. highlight if you wanna know the answer. the one without rubber haha lame right. yee and i were more like thinking of the one with sharp or blunt end. hahaha. and was having this stupid convo with them at night and my grandma saw me laughing haha. :D okay and watched survivor:D JASMINE I DO NOT LIKE SHANE OKAY.. hahah. i just think he's okay. YEE AND DEVI, fine aras is QUITE cute. hahah. but somehow i just like austin better :D and i noticed nick has more ... defined abs. hahaha. (: and i think danielle is quite pretty but she has urm... quite big assets lmao. and it was so cool when aras used his yoga move lah. i tried it on myself haha like he pressed on the thigh. no effects what. thursday had hol, so went to look for the crown gall plant with hoting and liqin. haha i dunno why i'm so used to calling her hoting. you know i called her once and i went 'hello is hoting in' hahah thank god she picked up the phone or else her family will be like 'who's ho ting' hahahaha. (x yepp anyway couldnt find it so went pizza hut to eat lunch heh. and we kept laughing like shit. don't ask me why. ahha. (: and then hoting and i went to toilet right, and she saw some actress person. i dont even know who she is. haha. some woman who acted as some princess person in duno what show. :\ anyway whatever. so. today was SWELL. one whole day and i studied SIX MISERABLE PAGES of the geog txtbk. i swear i'm going to fail. :( i just can't concentrate. just damn great. plus we're having chi test on tues. shit man. suddenly obs seems like a holiday. ahha. but seriously i dont mind obs if we're going kayaking and all the water activites SOLELY, but we have to do all the rock climbing things and i'm damn scared of heights so.. yeah. i reallyreallyreally hope i'm in the water group and that i can stay in the dorm for all 5 nights! -crossesmyfingers- (: 'Cause these are the days worth livin' These are the years we're given And these are the moments These are the times Let's make the best out of our lives Even if hope was shattered I know it wouldn't matter' Cause these are the moments These are the times Let's make the best out of our lives okay time to hit the books again. Saturday, February 11, 2006
hello just watched princess diaries 2 on disney channel:) my third time:Djoseph: my majesty, you're late. clarisse: a queen is never late. the others are simply early. nicholas: can i borrow your horse? farmer: (on the phone) oh he wants my horse (getting off) nicholas: my bike is yours. farmer: how am i supposed to herd sheep with a bike? hahahahah:D i think nicholas' cute. so. was trying to take the earrings off just now. :( my mum was like pulling and pulling at them and it was so pain and i kept shouting pain ahaha. then she got sortof annoyed and gave up. no actually i told her to stop. haha. then stupid aileen had to go scaring me with some secretion shit and i quote 'the secretion solidified inside' ahhahaah. idiot. and she was telling me her ear holes closed up the first time she pierced cus after taking out it was too pain to put another pair in. oh, thanks for telling me teo, i really wanted to know that. :D went mustafa ytd with pri and hoting(: my first time hha. anyway it's really nice and huge and nice! haha. seriously seriously. :) went there to get the garlic oil thing, and we walked so much. haha then me and hoting's back was hurting cus our bags were so heavy so we were trying to kinda massage each other's back. but priyanka's back didnt even ache:( even though she just had her training and her bag is like heavier than ours. hehe. then aft that went to take a picture of the canal thing. hoting's supposed to come online now to send the pict to me. :( haha YEAH THEN WE WERE WALKING TO THE MRT STATION AND HOTING TOOK HER JACKET FROM ME AND I DROPPED MY JACKET! ON THE FLOOR WITH RAINWATER! >:( gross. haha. yeahhhhh. watched survivor on fri. shane's kinda weird but i think he's sweet cus he misses his kid. :( so poor thing. but he smokes, and he was stupid to join the show cus he knows he can't smoke there. oh and i'm having my first tuition session 2mr. MY TUTOR'S MY NEIGHBOR. WEIRD RIGHT. he lives next next next door. hahaha. okay gonna study chem now and twist my earrings some more :D Thursday, February 09, 2006
hii just came back from badminton. :/ it just got less slackish and my partner's a sec 1(: i thought she was like sec 4 or sth.. hahaha. and poor tessa has to train with the coach whose english is like as bad as cheng's. hahah tessa has so much funny names. :)cheng is evilevilevil. cus we were doing the grow me template thing, and he called us up one by one, and then someone wrote she wanted to grow taller, then he was like, look at the people around you some of them dont even grow taller anymore they grow sideways. so evil right! some things you just dont say to girls, you stupid ass. and his voice is seriously seriously loud. he alwasy talks over us and whenever we get louder then he'll just raise his voice which is just so. DEAFENING. i think he doesnt realise how loud he is. hahha. and his pronounciation is just weird. hahah and recently he keep saying 'come on' and 'talk to me' hahahaa. anyway. had bio test today and i just flunked it. :( haha i didnt really study properly i guess. i didnt study the microscope thing which is like 5 marks. how would i know they were gonna test such stupid things huh. :( hehe and we got back amaths test today and chinese test on tues. haha i think hoting's really pissed cus she actually read the book and she studied so much but i didnt read it at all. hahhaaa. i'm looking forward to the NZ trip! only we havent had a briefing yet. everyone else had briefings already lah. even the UK one which is like same time as ours. isit. hahaa. and how come everone knows what mustafa is? hahaha. i dunno what it is! just found out today. (: Well he seemed broked hearted something with in him But the moment that i first layed eyes on him All alone on the edge of seventeen Just like a white wing dove sings a song sounds like she sing it Oh baby oh Just like a white wing dove sings a song sounds like she sing it Oh baby oh Wednesday, February 01, 2006
hurrrrrrm. had co reunion today during recess but it was so pathetic only half of the class were there. where were the other stupid half of the class huh.anyway chinese new year was boring and stupid. i only went visiting on monday, and on sat and sun my cousins came, but STILL, i only got a lousy miserable $60. >:( its getting lesser and lesser every year larh. last year was like $70. my relatives're all in like hk china and australia. the only thing nice about cny is the teevee shows and the new clothes. haha that reminds me of COYOTE UGLY i think it rocks. even though i dont really like violet's voice and kevin's aussie accent but they're really good looking. heh. and leann rimes rock too haha. oh and i seriously didnt know coyote was pronounced as ca-yote-ti i thought it was pronounced as coy-yote. hahaha. :) and tyra banks looked quite skinny in there. i watched american music awards too. and i think mariah carey's quite fat haha. i mean not that i'm skinny but i really think she's quite fat haha and my father and cousins think so too. only my BROTHER doesnt think so. i told him mariah carey's fat and he said i'm crazy where got. :/ huh i think he's abit cock-eyed and he told me that she's on his list of top 10 women lmao. anyway there's american idol and antm tonight:D i dont really like the auditions part actually haha. but then tonight they have the damn retarded contestant who went "rahhhhhh" ahha. oh and SURVIVOR'S COMING BACK. i love survivor. [: okay bye gotta study i dont understand a damn thing |